How to make apple juice with a blender?


One of the most refreshing juices you can drink to boost up your health and also amuse your taste buds is none other than fresh homemade apple juice. And you probably have heard this before “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” right? Well, it is absolutely true!

Today we’ll talk about an easy process where we’ll show how to make apple juice with a blender at home. And we will also tell you about the supreme benefits of apple juice for your overall health. So without further ado, let’s start.

Benefits of apple juice –

Apple juice has various types of benefits for your health. It keeps your organs healthy, improves your skin, boosts your immunity, and has many other benefits. Which are as follows –

Good for heart health

Apple has various plant compounds which also include a component called Polyphenol. This compound is very much beneficial for the health of the heart. It prevents the building up of bad cholesterol named LDL in your arteries. This means the risk of a blockage or a heart attack reduces and your heart stays protected.

Good for skin health

The secret of healthy and glowing skin is surely proper hydration. Apple has 88% of water, which means that it keeps you hydrated all the time. It also has different types of vitamins like vitamin E, which keeps your skin soft and reduces acne. So overall we can say that apple juice for the skin is very much beneficial from every perspective.

Boosts immunity

Well in this pandemic era we all must know by now how much beneficial Vitamin C is for our immune system. It boosts our immune system and reduces the inflammation of cells. And each Apple contains around 14% of Vitamin C. This means that and apple juice contains more amount of Vitamin C that will surely help you fight any disease pretty easily.

Has insoluble fiber

A happy person is happy when his stomach is happy. And consuming Apple juice keeps your digestive system healthy. It has a bunch of insoluble fiber that promotes regular bowel movements which reduces the chances of constipation in a person.

Keeps your bones strong

Apple contains minerals like Calcium which is important for the growth of bones in our body. Calcium strengthens our bones and keeps them safe from getting damaged.

Equipment needed to make apple juice -

Before your start the process of making apple juice using a blender you must first own these equipment listed below.


The first and most important is a good blender to blend the apples or juice them. You can use any blender that you own for this purpose.


To remove the pulp from the apple juice you may have to use a strainer. You can also use a tablecloth made of cotton for this purpose.


A jar might be necessary if you want to store the apple juice for a longer time.

Ingredients needed –

Here is the basic list of ingredients you need to make an awesome apple juice using a blender –

Fresh apples

This is obvious but yes you will need some fresh apples to make apple juice. Now there are different types of apples available in the markets and you can choose any of them you like. I suggest the Red Delicious apples as they have a higher amount of antioxidants in them.


Although apples contain a high amount of water but to make the juice a bit smooth adding a little of water might be necessary. You should start with a half cup of water first.


I know apple is sweet but it still needs to be sweeter after you make a juice with it. Sugar will balance the flavor of the juice.

Other spices

Now, this is up to you. I always add some other spices to my juices as it adds a great flavor to them. For apple juice, I suggest adding cinnamon and lemons.

Steps for making apple juice using a blender -

As you have all the equipment and ingredients with you. Let’s get down to business and see the actual process of making apple juice using a blender. The steps are as follows –

Wash the apples

Hygiene comes first. So it is important for you to wash the apples as neatly as possible. It may contain germs on its surface which needs to be washed thoroughly. So wash, wash and wash!

Dice them up

To make sure the apple gets juiced properly and there are no lumps you need to dice the apple into smaller pieces like small cubes. It will blend properly in the blender with water and sugar.

Start blending

Now simply add the apples in the blender with the other spices and sugar. Then start blending it till it becomes a puree.

Mix water depending on how much needed

Now add some water slowly and then blend and add more if needed. Make sure the puree is thin and watery.

Strain the puree of the apple

After you have finished blending you might see that the puree still has the skin of the apples in them. To remove them from the juice all you have to do is strain the puree using a strainer into a jar or bowl.

Store it in a jar

Once done straining store it in a good jar and make sure it is tightly packed. You can store thing juice in a freezer and can drink it anytime.

Frequently asked questions -

These are some frequently asked questions about apple juice and juicing which might be of your interest.

How do you squeeze apple juice?

While straining the apple juice you can squeeze it using any spoon.

Do you add water when juicing?

Yes adding water helps to make the juice thinner and more soluble.

Can you juice fruit in a blender?

Yes you can juice any type of fruit in a blender.

